Monday, 13 March 2017

Second cut feedback

After our first cut feedback that we received, we continued making improvements to our product and further develop different parts and the length of our piece. We then presented our second cut, which we hoped would show development from our previous first cut edit. We still needed to add footage to our sequence, and so we focused on doing so and editing what we can so the product looks more developed.
Overall, the feedback that we got from our second cut was helpful to us and informed us of the positives and negatives of our piece. One comment was that they like our "sound of the start" and another said that our "soundtrack was good and fit the genre well". This showed us that the soundtrack did not need to be changed, and it was a high point of our product.
Another piece of feedback that we got told us that our "chase scene had a lot of impact". We think that this was because of the cross cutting and the similar shots between locations, because another comment was that the "feet shots were very effective with a match between the two".
We also received compliments that told us that people liked the "clean titles", "intrigue created", fast paced editing" and the "effective cross cutting". This has given us more confidence in our product, as we previously felt quite unsure as to how we our piece was coming along.
An idea that we got was that it may be better to "bleed the ambience" of New York across all three initial shots. This is something we have chosen to follow, and have already altered in our piece

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