Tuesday 18 April 2017

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

Independent Film Companies
These are usually smaller companies that are not working with other companies, but are creating films entirely on their own budget and by themselves. These have little power in comparison to bigger conglomerate companies. This is because they have much smaller budgets, they have less ways in which to distribute and create advertising for their product. As well as that, they also have a smaller, and more specific target audience. This could be an advantage to the company as the company nows what the target audience wants to see the films. However, it is also seen as a disadvantage because they are rooted to a specific audience and it would be much harder to reach a wider audience.

Conglomerate Film Companies
A conglomerate is a combination of two or more companies that have either come together or are owned by one another that are all part of making a film. An example of this would be disney as they are a parent company that owns a lot of smaller companies that are more specific to an area of making a film. Conglomerates have much bigger budgets and a very wide target audience. This means that distribution is global and the production is much higher. An advantage of this is that the company is much bigger with massive amounts of money which means that reaching a target audience could be easy. A disadvantage of conglomerates would be that some audiences, especially British audiences that are used to independent style of film making may not be interested in the films produced by these companies.

The institution for my media product
I think that an independent company would distribute my product. I think this because our product contains British actors and may suit the style of independent companies that are British. The audience  may want to see this more as it has an original style which is common through independent film companies. However, our film is set in america which may be better for conglomerate companies in the USA. Our media product is not a hollywood blockbuster. Therefore, it is not very likely at all that a conglomerate would pay to distribute my film instead of new hollywood releases. This means that an independent film company would be much more like to distribute my product.

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